
Soybean Meal

protein-rich ingredient used in animal feed

Soybean Meal

Soybean meal is a common protein-rich ingredient used in animal feed. It is made from the residue left after soybean oil extraction. Soybean meal is a byproduct of the soybean crushing industry and is produced by grinding the soybean cake or flakes into a fine powder.

Soybean meal is a popular ingredient in animal feed because it is rich in protein and contains a balanced amino acid profile. It is used in the diets of a wide range of animals, including poultry, pigs, cattle, aquaculture, and pets.

Soybean meal is an excellent source of protein, containing around 44% to 48% protein. It is also a rich source of other nutrients, including essential amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Soybean meal has a good digestibility and is an economical source of high-quality protein for animal nutrition. Soybean meal can be processed using different methods, including solvent extraction, expeller pressing, and mechanically extracted soybean meal. Each method of processing produces a slightly different quality of soybean meal, with varying nutrient levels and digestibility.

Overall, soybean meal is a valuable ingredient in animal feed and is an important component of balanced diets for many species of animals. Its high protein content and excellent nutrient profile make it an essential part of many animal feed formulations.

Common specifications

The specifications for soybean meal can vary depending on the source and processing method. However, some common specifications for soybean meal used in animal feed include:

Protein content Typically, soybean meal has a protein content ranging from 44% to 48%. High-protein soybean meal with a protein content of 50% or more is also available.
Fat content Soybean meal typically contains around 1-2% fat, although some types may contain up to 8% fat.
Fiber content Soybean meal typically contains around 3-5% fiber.
Moisture content Soybean meal should have a maximum moisture content of 12% to prevent spoilage and mold growth.
Ash content The ash content of soybean meal is typically around 6%.
Amino acid profile Soybean meal should have a well-balanced amino acid profile, with adequate levels of essential amino acids such as lysine and methionine.
Anti-nutritional factors Soybean meal may contain anti-nutritional factors such as trypsin inhibitors, which can reduce protein digestibility. However, modern processing methods have greatly reduced the levels of these factors in commercial soybean meal.

It’s important to note that the specifications for soybean meal can vary depending on the intended use and the specific needs of the animal being fed. Therefore, it’s important to consult with a qualified nutritionist or feed specialist to determine the appropriate specifications for a particular animal feed formulation.

Specification Soybean Meal
* Protein Content 46% – 48%
* Fat Content 0.5% – 2.0%
* Moisture Content < 12%
* Ash Content 6% – 7%
* Fiber Content 3% – 5%
* Urease Activity 0.05 – 0.3 units (at 30 degrees Celsius)
* Aflatoxin < 20 ppb

Please note that these specifications are subject to change based on the source and processing method. If you have any specific requirements or questions regarding our products, please do not hesitate to contact us.